October 15, 2020

We can not defeat the problem by suppressing it—or conquering it. [Excerpt from Waylon Lewis’ 2nd book, It’s Never too Late to Fall in Love with Your Life]

My new book is coming out. Here’s an excerpt.

We can not defeat the problem by suppressing it—or conquering it. We can only defeat a problem by making our peace with it.

Take social media. Or news. Or busyness. Many of us—including myself—want to get offline and stay offline and avoid rushing around and avoid social media and avoid politics.

But—the world needs us. And unless we’re planning to go off-grid in Vermont (sounds okay to me), we’re not going to avoid the messiness of life. Even living alone in a cabin in the country, we’ll have to deal with the local delivery folks or the roof needing work or lyme disease or whathaveyou.

Life finds a way…to be a pain in the neck. So we really have no choice but to have a sense of gentleness toward ourselves, and humor about ourselves, and empathy for others.

We have no choice but to engage in this life and world—that’s the bad news, but it’s also the good news. Because when we engage fully, community happens. And it can be delightful, and healthy, and rich in a way that money can’t buy. Simple.

So find a way to connect to your community. Take a class. Read mindful, independent news and journalism. Support your favorite farmers and craftspeople. Spend less time on Facebook. Don’t get Alexa or Echo. Don’t shop on Amazon—shop local.


The above is an excerpt from Waylon H. Lewis’ forthcoming book, It’s Never too Late to Fall in Love with Your Life: Practical Buddhist advice for Everyday Life. It’s 365 quotes, with commentary, one for every day. Pre-order it here and save $5.

His first book, the best-selling Things I would like to do with You, is also available at that link.

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