November 3, 2020

How to Feel right now. ~ Waylon Lewis

How to Feel right now

Heartbreak is your sweet heart, witnessing suffering, bravely caring tho it’s unpleasant.
Stress is the fear of seeing so many good people, a dear wonderful world, shoved off a flat earth by unkind untruths
Fear is the very real wisdom to carefully negotiate the obstacles of this fearful day

Confidence is feeling heartbreak,

…and knowing all of that is real, and it’s okay not to be okay, and to take wise and kind precautions, but to remember too to breathe through the fear, so that the fear remains, but the fear of fear dissolves.

I feel confident

but I felt confident, too, four years ago

I feel doubly confident, still. We shall restore kindness and honesty and respect to this land, and cool our many fires, and take care of our next generations, and the pressure will not be from an aggrieved, aggressive minority but from a fiercely caring majority: let us make changes that make sense, and protect what ought to be protected, and carefully transition what is in danger of falling behind.

It is okay to feel however you feel, right now. Let’s put that feeling into making sure our friends, our family, our so-called enemies, our community get out and use their voice, all together,

that we might transform this fear and concern into change and kindness, all.

I can’t wait.

But I will wait ’til every voice is heard, fairly, and the undemocratic voices of suppression have been banished or enlightened, once again.

Let us all take a deep sweet breath together, now, right now, and let’s make sure the cause of kindness has plenty of breathing room between it, and the voices of selfish cowardly bullying, when all is said (and counted) and done.

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