December 9, 2020

How to Love & Care for a Highly Sensitive Person.

Like an orchid, my heart requires just the right amount of love and safety to flourish. 

Like an orchid, I thrive in a nurturing atmosphere—when the sun shines, and I’m given the right amount of water.

Like an orchid, I shine ever so brightly when the conditions are right.

And like an orchid, I am sensitive to the subtle changes in my environment.

I am aware of slight changes in tone, capital letters, or a facial expression signaling one is irritated. 

I will internalize these changes for hours, push away water and other nutrients, and bask in the darkness of the cocoon under my bedsheets.

We orchids are beautiful, but flourishing can be a challenge when we are cared for as dandelions. 

While us orchids may need to work a bit at allowing the tart tones of life to pass over us, our reactions are also a message to the world to look more closely at how they engage with others. 

Changes in tones, word choice, and other ways in which you interact with others will affect people.

For those who are orchids, it may feel like one of our pedals has been torn. 

I ask that society begin to consider their own actions and not solely ask the orchid to change. 

Flowers require different environments to flourish.

I am not a dandelion, nor do I want to be.

I love being an orchid when I’m in the sun and given water.

I wish to be a dandelion often, though—when my heart feels stomped on by those who don’t understand what it feels like to be an orchid. 

I believe us orchids have something to teach this world if they are willing to listen.

Don’t expect everyone to be a dandelion, and don’t force them to be so either.

Orchids are beautiful, and they will stand so ever brightly with the right amount of love. 

Be kind.

Assume everyone is an orchid, and be aware of your words, tones, and ways of expressing yourself. 

A little more sun and water for everyone is never a bad thing. 

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Elephant journal  |  Contribution: 1,375,490

author: Rebecca Renae

Image: freeillustrated/pixabay

Editor: Kate Force