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December 12, 2020

Kissing your own wounds

Kissing our own wounds. When it comes to healing we often look outside ourselves for a quick fix. We get busy, find distractions, turn to alcohol and other addictions or jump from relationship to relationship, but what if instead of avoiding our traumas and wounds we attended to them with our divine love? This love is unconditional, unlimited and is always there deep within our soul.

Only you know how much sorrow you have felt and the depths so only you can give yourself that amount of love and compassion to heal. Don’t search outside yourself or to other people or things.

Kissing our own wounds really works. We are built for connection but we need to connect more deeply with ourselves first. Recently as a bit of fun and also because I felt like doing it I’ve been giving myself a single kiss on the shoulder before I go to sleep at night. At first it use to make me laugh, which meant I always went to sleep with a smile on my face but now I really sense a deeper meaning and connect to how it feels to receive this kind, gentle self love towards myself.  You are a spiritual being in a physical body so why not allow your spirit (which is really infinite love) to take care of your physical human needs. It also helps to raise your bar when it comes to love and relationships. Now, I wouldn’t want to partner up with anyone unless they can at LEAST enhance my love life by a minimum of 1% more than what I can give to myself, otherwise I may aswell remain single. When we sit and yearn for the love which we seem to think is outside we need to pause, be quiet, sit with ourselves and realise that all that we want and need is right there under our nose, it is ourselves that we are missing, it is ourselves that we desire.

On a physical biological level when we give ourselves a warm touch, gently rub our belly or scratch our head, we calm our cardiovascular stress and activate the body’s Vagus nerve. This is intimately involved with our compassionate response-both giving and receiving, to others and to ourselves. So when we touch ourselves kindly, we’re communicating tenderness and care to our whole body.

So just know that you’re a good human – Take a look in the mirror, look into your eyes, look at the spirit looking back at you, put your hands on your heart and say “you are a beautiful person and I love you so much”. Give yourself a hug, a kiss, dance, jump for joy and allow life to express itself as you, as pure love.

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