December 17, 2020

Never Forget these Simple Remedies when you Just Feel “Off.”

*Editor’s Note: Elephant is not your doctor or hospital. Our lawyers would say “this web site is not designed to, and should not be construed to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, or treatment to you or any other individual, and is not intended as a substitute for medical or professional care and treatment. Always consult a health professional before trying out new home therapies or changing your diet.” But we can’t afford lawyers, and you knew all that. 


When we go through major transformations in life, our body, mind, and emotions get out of balance and cause trouble.

Our first reaction can be fear of illness or panic about symptoms.

But we must remember when we level up into higher states of consciousness, our body has to level up too.

Some symptoms might be disturbing dreams, sleeplessness, restlessness, shakiness, heart palpitations, headaches, stomachaches, and backaches. While it’s always important to first check in with your doctor about these symptoms, if there are no underlying medical concerns, don’t immediately take a pill for them. Try flowing with what is happening in your body, mind, and emotions.

Let your body speak to you.

What if you could completely trust your body as your ally?

Like your best friend, it’s got your back, and it wants to serve you.

Trusting your body looks like this:

You would not experience fear of your body betraying you, going off course, or disappointing you. You would be done with hating your body into submission. There would be no need to fear it, tame it, or treat it.

Cherish your body. Remember, it’s the vehicle through which you get to live your precious life.

Stop silencing your body. Listen to it like a beloved child. Get curious; pay attention. Ask questions.

You might ask yourself:

>> What is happening in my life right now?
>> What is the message my body is giving me?
>> What do I need now?

Sit with yourself; feel into your body and your intuition.

Decide what would help your body, soothe your emotions, or reassure your mind right now. Trust that you innately know how to care for yourself. Then experiment.

Try these simple things:

>> deep breathing
>> meditation
>> water
>> rest
>> healthy food
>> journaling
>> walking
>> talk to a friend
>> music

These simple, basic actions can really help—and we dismiss them way too often. When we check in with our body on a regular basis, we learn its distress signals. Then, we can discern what it needs to reenergize and come into balance.

Be an expert on your own body, mind, and emotions. No one, not even a healthcare professional, knows your body like you do. It is yours to care for. Your whole self—body and mind—is longing for your love and attention.

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Andrea Paquette  |  Contribution: 10,470

author: Andrea Paquette

Image: Malicki M Beser/Unsplash

Editor: Catherine Monkman