January 19, 2021

Deep Feminine Roots: An Ode to our Magic & Power.

Back to the roots
To the caves of wombs
Dark mysterious pools
Dip a toe in
Feel your low belly
Magic lives there
It will never die.
Feel your pussy
Power lives there
It will never die.
It’s the kind of power where you don’t have to try at all.
Natural, whole, sparked from within.

Listen. Feel. Breathe…

Place your hands gently
Over your pelvis, your juicy opening
The times you were scared to say no
The times you shrank to nearly invisible
The times you did not speak up
The times you did not nourish yourself
You didn’t know.
It’s okay.
But now you do.

Reclaim every muscle and sensation and bone and sinew and joy and love and dream and dripping desire
That was ever stolen from you
Replace numbness with an abundance of feeling
Trade in pain for pleasure
Swap pushing past your boundaries for sensing what is just right.  

Back to the roots
To the wild waves of wombs
Oceans inside
Shine with poetry
With movement
Lustrous laughter
And courage.
Free yourself
From the old limits, tired old tales
Of what women are “supposed” to be.
Melt into your own being-ness instead
Melt into the very fibers of your soul
Be so connected to your body
That it is thrilling
Yes, that’s beautiful isn’t it?
A feminine revolution
From the inside out.

Back to the roots
To mossy forests and unfurling ferns
Plush and wet and so alive 
No matter the flames you have walked through
The sh*t you have faced
You are never too broken.
Listen. Feel. Breathe.
Dip your head back and gasp
Hear the whispers. Know the truth.
You are unstoppable.

Poetry inspired by the divine feminine teachings of Jumana Sophia. 


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Sarah Harvey  |  Contribution: 84,555

author: Sarah Harvey

Image: Alexander Krivitskiy/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson