February 28, 2021

10 Feel-Good Questions to Ask Ourselves Every Morning.


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Starting each day with an expansive outlook puts us in alignment for more of that feeling all day.

Connecting with ourselves in the morning—in any way—helps us remain grounded and rooted throughout the day. We set a standard of self-care first thing, so we can be present for what the day brings.

After you grab your cup of coffee or tea, sit and breathe for a few minutes and ask yourself the following questions.

Notice how leaning into each response changes the way you feel, both in your body and in your mind. Grab a journal and write down anything that stands out if you feel moved.

1. In what ways can I show up better for myself since yesterday?

2. How can I be more mindful of my self-talk?

3. In what ways can I notice beauty?

4. What can I create?

5. What small shift can I make regarding giving myself more permission to follow my heart?

6. How will I care for my body?

7. How can I be a better self-advocate?

8. How can I show my love for those in my life?

9. What is important for me to continue surrendering?

10. How can I honor my finances and basic needs?

If you start to feel stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious, think of some of these questions and answer them to bring you back to the present moment. It’s okay to regroup, give yourself some slack, and take things one step at a time.


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Elizabeth Gordon  |  Contribution: 61,200

author: Elizabeth Gordon

Image: tarnellisart/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra