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February 14, 2021


“…as reverent as a missal of prayers found in the liturgy of some ancient and highly personal religion; like the Book of Hours, with rhythm.” Sister Rose Kenyan, Benedictine Vespers

“Their mead hall rings of epic folk yarns that could bring tears to Odin’s eyes and have the God of Thunder singing, If I Had a Hammer.” Sven Bourgensen, Scandinavian Review

“These ditties are off to the dance hall and down to the hardwood.” Wag Butler, The Western Swing Voter

“This collection of ‘ersatz folk songs, counterfeit ballads and pseudo blues’ is only to be consumed on an empty bladder. You’ll piss yourself laughing otherwise.” Ellen Smith, Strolling Tone Magazine

“…delightfully animated story line with well-established characterizations. I eagerly await their next theatrical production.” Ramona Pleasance, Play Date


“It brought to mind the sound of scrimshaw being etched on whalebone with a parrot squawking approval.” Jared Coffin, The Nantucket Reader


“These songs evoke visions of romance washed clean by tears and presented in poignant clarity; smooth and vulnerable, soft and pink.” Sherry Baton, The Votive Voice of Vermont

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