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February 15, 2021


[From: BREAKING THE SILENCE, by Goliath & Trench]

“Have another bottle of wine, make a baby or two, go hungry for awhile, lose someone close to you, get involved in a messy affair, go far, far away, compromise your principles, spend an entire weekend naked, tell harmless lies, build a suspension bridge out of tooth picks and kite string,… It’s all here.” Lonnie Putz, Concrete Mirage

“The songs are casual and careless in a satisfying way; like the used condom your latest lover left lying on your bedroom floor, a souvenir you’re not yet ready to dispose of.” Candy Cotton, Modern Woman’s Advisor


“Their lyricism is incredibly lean; there’d be a whole other side of bacon you’d have to fry before there’d be grease enough to pour off the griddle.” Red Weston, The Rocky Mountain Oyster


“Invigorating. It’s like going to the crossroads and striking a deal so you can continue to revel in the virile arts while your portrait ages in the garret of some gothic mansion.” Brent Mitchell, Style Essentials

“Each song burns like a high-watt bulb behind an opaque shade that filters out the harshness of reality.” Spark Larkin, Adventure Illustrated


“If you’ve ever been scolded by crows in your own front yard, you’ll dig the scene.”  R.P.G.R.F., Ahhhh

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