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February 15, 2021


[From: BREAKING THE SILENCE, by Goliath & Trench]

“This stands as a testament to what can be purchased with little more than loose change and pocket lint.” Felicity Bonaparte, Linger Magazine


“What you have here is not just another dead-end in a creepy old hedge maze keeping the manor house guests awake after midnight. Mr. Froggie may have leapt from his room in the attic out of fear, but the coroner determined he died of a broken heart. That’s how I felt while listening to this recording.” Nigel Fenster, Victorian Times


“These lovely lyrics are like ancient scrolls that might have been excavated from the banks of the Euphrates and are now being offered for sale in a Baghdad suq by an honest shopkeeper named Karim.” Fatima Afeef, The Ninety-nine Names


“They’ve convincingly illustrated their assertion that being prudish is a harsh and unpleasant concept, like taking a laxative, while endorsing the practice of heathenism as though it were nature’s way. Paulette Phelps, Organic Wellness & Leisure


“If you’re in the market for songs about roadhouse love in which jumper cables, Vaseline, and a ham & cheese on rye figure prominently, you’ve come to the right place.” Burton French, The Wanderer’s Journal


“Their sensuous metaphors really get the juice running down my leg.” Amanda X., Intimate Confessions

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