February 19, 2021

Darling, Stay with Me.

“Stay with me ’til the light falls and the night fades,” he whispers. 

“Stay here with me.”

Memories cascade.

The light transcends and transforms.

Memories flood.

They seem so real.

Pulled back, I am a witness and know that I can not stay here.

The eyes transport the pathway to the soul.

I see the light and accept it all.

Weightless and free, I swim in the sweetness and dance in the freedom, carefree like a child.

The feeling takes me back to earlier days when I was free. 

Free to dream and just be. 

Free to hope and love unconditionally.

This light transcends, yet I falter in the shadows. 

How I want to linger here with you

The fall from light is inevitable. 

Even the angels aren’t here. 

This human heart pulls me back.

I wait, pray, and hope.

“Stay here with me.”

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Renee Fesser  |  Contribution: 67,485

author: Renee Fesser

Image: C technical/pexels

Editor: Kate Force