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April 14, 2021

Do you have Autism Asperger’s spectrum Symptoms?

First of I like to share my personal experience in the about this subject  in this article.

It’s very  important that we share our truth. About the Autism spectrum Asperger’s.

Just because we don’t know about it, it doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing to experience ,the symptoms are just guidelines  to help you figure out were we need to focus  on.
This  kind of state of mind is my own  kind indeed, my  brain allows me to perceive things differently from the average point of view.

Besides the challenges,wich we all have..I continue to feel blessed and loved  by the ones who care and support me as I learned to live my life with all this challenges! I know I’m protected by  my soul tribe and divinely blessed!

Many Mental illness often goes undiagnosed specially this one, The spectrum  of ASPERGER’S.

How did I find out that I was experiencing symptoms of Asperger’s?
As I was making a video blog on another subject, I came across a video on YouTube based on how to identify Asperger’s Autism symptoms. Out of curiosity because I got family members with this spectrum.  I click and before I was even done watching it..I start it writing this article.

I have no idea if I am on the Autistic spectrum but … all this guy said on the YouTube video..definitely resonates with me.

I felt the need to make this article to show my community support and have them see a different light on this subject coming from someone who never has been diagnosed but lived my entire life with all the symptoms and even after I find out about my symptoms matching the spectrum I still believe this will never stop me! Don’t let it stop you. Live your life as normal as possible and as long as you are aware and the people you are close to, you can manage the symptoms better.

I suggest to learnd how to use this abilities “Called Giftts” because that’s how I chose to see it! In a positive  light! Help others and bring awareness! Educate yourself! Dont limit yourself!

With A Undiagnosed Asperger’s Symptoms I live all my life.
I do feel Alien to the fact that ppl dont understand me sometimes  but I have learnd to work around that by making sure I communicate more clearly and If I’m unsure that I’m misunderstood, I will ask just to make sure, it wont hurt nothing, better than having to booked a flight to Japan when the meeting it’s in Joppa, Example.
I always have to explain myself several times,
if they are intrested or care enough to understand me.
Because I know myself and I know I always try to be as real and honest as I like others to be with me..( always creating good karma) unless the fake ones come around,then I shut down (To protect myself).
I know and I am aware I’m misunderstood a lot because of the difference in  perspectives. When I happen to hear what they think,specially from close family members and puzzles my mind how can it be so far off? I ask myself. I’m thankful for the patience they have for me!

Other times,the experience with people who I acquainted but dont know me on a more personal and intimate level can be challenging  because
at times they make comments..that hurts..because I know deep down I’m not that monster they see and  described me as. Like coworkers example from past experiences.

But I chose love over hate,I chose to learn and understand more about our differences, so I can coexist with my own “kind!” as peaceful as possible.

Lately I just ask and try to communicate more with others if I’m really interested in the connection because it’s necessary and helps me understand them better and get closer so that they can get to know me better as well.

The way I see the world,my perspective its very different. I can see how that can be a bit challenging when It comes to bounding with others.

On the other side,
I’m super empathetic, I can relate and predict often others individuals actions and feelings very easily even without talking or interacting with them. It’s  cool but it depends who you dealing with,it can get bit messy if you dealing with someone who is just very stubborn and closed minded. But only when I allow myself to be open..if I’m shutdown by choice,I block the energy essence from flowing . No bueno.

My energy presence does throw  ppl off specially in big groups because I’m energy sensitive, Almost noone knows this about me just a hand full but I have to shut down in groups. At times I try to stay open and it feels like I’m suffocating and I felt a few times like I was going to faint. Every time I walk into a group my energy gets triggered  and so the group energy as well. People usually go quiet and other times they don’t even acknowledge my presence, as if I am  not there.I created a safety mechanism that works for me,so far it doesn’t work for both parties yet,but untill I can figure a better way this is keeping me able to be in a group of people and literally not have my brain over stimulated to the point of fainting. I just got used to it with time. I started to do the same after a while,ignoring people but that was creating more social problems so I continue to educate myself and connect with other who mastered living with the symptoms of this Spectrum in hope I can find something that will spark some ideas I can bring into my own experiences in a social setting. Often times  I was consider ” the antisocial” because I came across to be stuck up for not interacting in social activities or simply being quiet. I do very well on one on one setting or small groups(4) ! Thank God.

For a long time I was concerned and try to educate myself on how to be more” sociable”. Untill I became SELF AWARE  and the truth got  to work on my side of the equation! Now it’s  just a bit easier!

Still Not sure if  it’s Autism the reason why I am this way.. but alot of the symptoms do match. So what does it matters ? I will be asking my Dr. to check me next time I go see them.I can relate to how this guy feels in the YouTube video,the struggles has been real for a long time. Now I have found peace on knowing a few new things I can do to improve my social skills experiences and a better quality of life!

Suggestions to help you build a strong self identity.

1.Communicate honestly with others about your differences in perspective, if you do that you are  more like to find common ground.

2.Be real with yourself and accept your different but not less than others,just Unique!Embrace it!

3. You are deserving of everything you want,go for it! Nothing can stop you,just yourself. Just Go get it.

4.Find what you love about your  self and share it! You be surprised how many people will admire this qualities and that will build your confidence !

5.Loving yourself will allow your brain to rewire and the more you do it ,the more comfortable you become to feel around others and slowly you will become a social butterfly!

6.How to love yourself? It’s different for everyone, but when I got real with myself  that’s when I was able to love myself. Find things that make you feel amazing to the core! Start with that,that’s a one way to love yourself!

7.Be open to recive feedback, good or bad,both can be beneficial if you used them to improve yourself.

8. My favorite, just Be authentically You!

I can go on and on but the truth is,noone told me this,this is just a few things I remember I did in the process of growing into understanding myself better and I wanted to share some in hope that it will be beneficial to others! “Smile”

I don’t look at us human differences will hold us back. I like to look at it as we all can help eachother better  if we accept eachother as we are and coexist harmoniously.

I asked myself for a long while..
how can I work around this  energy  with the  awarness and experience that I have now as an adult ? How can I connect with others  in a more productive way? I am always looking for solutions and understanding of all things in life!

The wierd thing is .
I’m good with strangers or on A one on one connection, I’m open and its usually a good experience, it just flow nicely. I connect and socialize good with ppl I dont know..I guess because  they don’t know me yet and are willing to do so  and are allowing the energy to flow organically and we can all be our true self?!

It’s used to be difficult to do that with people I actually know because I can feel the energy and  when I  saw the rejection in their face and body language  I will go on shutoff mode, I have created a safety mechanism that protects me from being energetically drained, I shut down If I scence an energetic attacker example  “Bully type of individual ” This works for me and my sanity.

I’m not complaining,  at this point in my life I understand  myself enough to know that I got to accept others as they are and serve as an example to others of how they can treat me. If they choose still not to accept me or accommodate our differences it’s their loss! I’m  not over confident  but I’m confident  in who I am and what I got to offer! I’m a very upfront and real individual with alot of love and light to share.  After that it’s : ” mind my own business if they want to continue to reject the connection”.

I’m tierd of explaining myself.. so.. If you want to get to know me..Wonderful,if not,great! More time for others who do want to get to know the real  me and not a wrong perception or rumor of who “I am to them”! People often forget,the only way to know someone is by getting to know them,rumors or a one time look wont give you a lifetime of who people are to the root of it’s essence, but I understand we all are protecting ourselves from what could it be even if is not that way ,including myself in some cases. The damage in trust in our human kind it’s real and we need to start making a difference by starting with ourselves.

A little Inside Joke!?

Yeah,one of my accomplishment in my previous lifetime  was a Masters degree in sarcasm! Lol that’s why I didn’t want to go to college in this current lifetime.

Idk why I feel this way but I do..
I think we all have symptoms of what we call today  autism spectrum .
Who makes time to become aware of this and educate themselves can change and make a difference in the quality of their life and the ones around them.

I’m not labeling everyone with Autism  who has the symptoms or some symptoms,no.
I think education on the subject can benefit us all as individuals and as a collective.  How would it be to coexist if we knew how to do so without judging and simply be understanding of others differences? I know there is alot of people  out there that are suffering symptoms and are struggling really bad and feel helpless and hopeless because they don’t know what’s going on with themselves and or the world around them,unfortunately. This is true.
Just because you haven’t been diagnosed it dosen’t mean you got to reject the reality that you have symptoms and you can benefit yourself and others if you educate on the subject.

Reflecting now as I write this article.

Don’t feel shame..
Get real with your self ..
Become self aware..
Take care of yourself..
Take action now..
You rather struggle the rest of your life ,in fear that others will judge you ? Or… well …
They are already doing that..
Just do it!
Educate yourself and
Rise above the stigma on this illness.
The only limitation you got is your own state of mind.
Change it and you will see that everything will start shifting!

I have loved ones diagnosed with Autism,  very loving and Intelligent individuals! With a bright future ahead and a limitless potential, the sky is not the goes endlessly beyond the infinity of the galaxies!
I love every  single one of them! And for their safety and privacy I wont be sharing names.

I hope they are able to read this and feel support and empowered to know they are not alone and that it’s ok to be different (Be proud of how much you overcome!)

All it takes it’s to become aware so that we can get out of our head about the fact that We are different.
Be proud,you are unique and you are here to make a difference, find your purpose and mission and you will Rise above all the mind chatters and self limitations.

This is an article to share my personal experience and to provide knowledge and support to our community who live with mental illness.

If you suspect you have some symptoms,  please go get a more accurate diagnose from a professional.

I am only here sharing my story to provide moral support and light on the matter,because it is a hard pill  to swallow at first and If you are not educated it can feel overwhelming and difficult to live life to it’s  full potential.

Thanks  for reading,pls share to support and educate the community that suffers from mental illnesses .

Sending love and blessings!!!

Rhodenid O Jimenez  aka Rojim

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