April 22, 2021

Greta Thunberg: The Single Biggest Problem isn’t Climate Change. It’s us.

President Biden’s plan (halving emissions by 2050—this is huge, and, not enough), announced today, begins to pull the US in line with, well, averting major climate-caused economic disaster. But: if a single climate-change-denying President gets elected before 2050, it’s over.

I’m scared. And that’s okay. I’m not scared of being scared. I’m okay with facing up to the, you know, consequences of our actions…because then we might change our actions.

As Greta Thunberg put it, the gap in awareness–about how bad things are and how bad things will be—vs. what we think about or worry about every day—is the single biggest problem. Because if we clue in, we’ll care, we’ll act, we’ll vote our way to saving our planet.

Stop saying “the earth will be fine we’ll all just die.” That’s so much suffering. Most humans are vulnerable, and haven’t caused this climate change. And if we do go extinct, that would mean we’d take every miraculous beautiful animal and most ecosystems with us. The earth is not a cold hard dead rock. It’s wonderful.

Happy Earth Day!

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