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May 25, 2021

What to Consider When You Adopt a Child From Another Country

Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels.

When considering adopting a child, you may have dreamt up a few different countries you could adopt one from. Perhaps you went on a trip to Africa once and developed a desire to adopt a child from there. Or maybe you have ancestral roots in China and want to adopt a child from there. While adopting a child from another country may at first appear like a fairytale waiting to happen, there are some aspects you should consider before going through the arduous process.

Examine Your Intentions

Firstly, any prospective adoptive parent should always consider their intentions prior to adopting. When adopting internationally, it is especially important to do so. You must realize that adopting internationally is not a trend you are partaking in, and it is certainly not something that should be done so that others look upon you more favorably. International adoption is a lifelong commitment. You are adding a child to your family, and you must be ready to face the uphill battle it will be at times. International adoption is a wonderful opportunity to add a member to your family and embrace your child’s culture; you just need to make sure you have the correct intentions going into it.

Educate Yourself On Their Culture

Most adopted children eventually develop a desire to learn about their background and adoption story. Especially with internationally adopted children, they will have strong ties to their cultural identity even if they grew up in your home from the time they were a baby. It is a beautiful thing to be able to embrace your child’s culture and celebrate certain traditions with them. However, you must also educate yourself on their culture before committing to adopting them. Will you be willing to incorporate their traditions with yours? Are you going to feel offended when they develop a close relationship with an adult who looks like their birth parents would? You must be prepared for the cultural differences you might encounter with your child and embrace their questions. While it may take some time to learn about their culture, your child will feel much more connected with you when you’ve taken the time to do so. They might even grow a desire to travel to their birthplace with you someday!

Be Able to Let Go of Your Control

In adoption, circumstances are almost never in your control, especially in international cases. Different countries have different regulations and timelines. You may find yourself getting your hopes up at certain times. You might have to be prepared to drop everything and travel to your child’s country when it comes time to adopt. You might not receive much information on your child’s medical or family history. All this is to say that flexibility is a must when adopting internationally. Even though the process may seem difficult at times, it will all be worth it when you’ve finally welcomed your new child into your home.

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