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June 8, 2021

3 Easy ways to free yourself from a toxic past

Photo by Nandhu Kumar on Pexels.

# STEP 1 : Write your mind on the paper.

One of many favorite ways is to harmonize the past by turning into art or writing.

Take some time off to write down your favorite stories of your past where you felt bullied, or treated very badly/

Now rewrite the story and write from a perspective of a neutral individual or better through an imagined perpetrator’s perspective.

While you’re writing it down, try burning some incense. This will help you to feel relaxed and calm. The aroma that the incense lets off is more therapeutic than it seems,

If you’re able to stand in other people’s shoes, you will be able to see that you are both not a victim, and are able to feel compassion towards the one who treated you badly because in their life they are full of sufferings.

This is a very good exercise to see things from a fresher side. And it suits everyone!

# STEP 2 : Burn them down

There are many versions of this, but the easiest version is always the best. Be sure to be safe while burning anything.

Sit down and write out a few emotions that you couldn’t forget. If your long term relationship just added, write out clearly why it ended and also add in all the benefits you have gained from this relationship. Also write down all the ways you saw it coming but decided to avoid and ignore instead.

This helps you to have a clearer perspective and understand that you are not a victim.

# STEP 3 : Forgiveness is the key

Some healers believe that we have energetic attachments towards other people. They often connect us to our past and allow the past to pull us back into the negative ways. One of the best ways to clear the past is to forgive and move on.

Whether or not we are attached to these in reality, the best way to fix this is to forgive and forget.

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