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June 8, 2021

On my worst day

Photo by Alex Green on Pexels.

On my worst day, I woke up, although a part of me wished I hadn’t.

I dragged my aching soul out from under the covers and hauled myself across the room. Life felt unbearable and hopeless. But still, I had a life.

I stepped outside on to the small balcony of my hotel room and let the wind tussle my hair, the rain kiss my tear stained cheeks and sooth my crippled soul.

My eyes were swollen, yet, I could faintly see the dim, blue, sky hidden behind hazy, grey clouds. Although I could not see the sun, I knew it was there, hiding and helping life flourish.

My heart was broken, but, it was still beating and I still had the capacity to love.

The ache tore through my entire being, paralyzed my body, but, I could still stand and I could still feel.

I gazed out across the steely cold ocean knowing that beneath the surface of the water beautiful things were alive. And I knew that below the surface of my pain, there was a powerful force swimming in the dark that would help me heal.

I closed my tired eyes and was able to visit the corners of my mind where I held the image of every beautiful soul that had ever wandered in and out of my life. I would need them now.

On my worst day, my very worst day, there was still so much to be grateful for.

Even on your worst days, there will be something beautiful to believe in. Be always grateful for those things.

Toni O’Keeffe

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