June 11, 2021

Today’s the last day to join me, this Summer.

Elephant is small. Yes, we have millions of readers every month, but we’re indie media—we’ve survived and thrived despite media consolidation and the ruthless inconstancy of Big Tech. But we’ve succeeded, in large part, because we’re grounded in our mission, in caring. In connecting not out of greed, or desperation, but out of being genuine.

That’s what we teach in Elephant Academy.

I’ve re-opened enrollment for our most-popular Elephant course, Write your Heart Out, until midnight tonight. If we can get 11 more of you in, we’ll have out biggest community yet (around 125 good humans).

It’s impossible to convey directly how life-inspiring these next 6 weeks will be for those of you who decide to take the leap. You’ll just have to come on in. So all I’ll say is, sometimes, to make a change in our life, we have to take a leap. Life is full of distraction, and entertainment. But that monkey mind won’t get us where we want to go: which is here, right now, finding our voice, and our heart, and using it to be of real benefit.

Last chance to take a leap.

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