July 27, 2021

Embracing Being Gay: A Letter to Someone I Want to Get to Know.


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You’re beautiful.


I’ve only known you for 52 hours, but I already can tell I like you.

I like you a lot.

I never thought I’d be interested in an extrovert, but here I am, excited to receive another voice clipping from you talking loudly with enthusiasm for life.

I wonder what your lips taste like.

I hope I find out soon.

Sorry if that was a bit forward.

Actually, I take it back.

I’m not sorry.

Not at all.

I want to know you.

I want to stay up all night watching movies filling my chipmunk cheeks with popcorn and my mind with thoughts of what’s to come.

I want this and more.

You see, dating is hard for me because I have never felt comfortable or certain.

Every man felt just okay, and every woman felt too risky.

Nothing felt safe.

This is different, though.

We talk with ease.

You feel like a friend.

Well, a friend for now.

May, one day, it become something else.

May, one day, I get to know you more.

May, one day, I kiss those lips.

I sure hope so.

Good night, beautiful.

Thank you for helping me feel safe flirting with a woman. I finally feel safe to be me.



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Elephant journal  |  Contribution: 1,375,490

author: Rebecca Renae

Image: jav_rubin/instagram

Editor: Kate Force