August 10, 2021

Darling, we are Drowning in False Love.

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Darling, we are Drowning in False Love.

I once believed you loved me like the feverish sea.

You wanted the glittering wetness,
you do not love the sea.

I once believed you wanted all the crashing of my soul.
You said you would hold my dark blues,
but you aren’t ready for the sea.

I let you swim inside me, along the

but when I began to swell
I could tell
you knew nothing of the sea.

I let you play on the curves of my body.
You slid across my waves.

You liked the way I parted the horizon
with the arching of my back;
the power of the sea.

But, today, there was a hurricane and
you were asked to love the tides.
You realized
I was something you could not control;
the heaving, hurting sea.

I know you loved the taste of me on your lips;
those salty-sweet crumbles.
Those sweet, sweet kisses from the sea.

And, darling,
I know you’re curious
about the oceans,
but you aren’t ready to drown in my me.

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Kate Force  |  Contribution: 651,495

author: Kate Force

Image: tailored.art/instagram