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August 24, 2021

Living From the Heart, Understanding Ego

Photo by Adonyi Gábor on Pexels.

What if Freud’s definition of the ego with the inaccurate or even irrelevant to today?  Well in truth he was very close according to this author’s opinion.  He divided the psyche up into three parts: the ego, the pre-conscious, and the ID.

Unfortunately, the ego has gotten a bad rap.  People blame the ego for when a person is it out of control and commonly when they think too highly of themselves.  In my opinion after 40 years of working with human beings that would slightly disagree and yet for the most part the agree.

I believe we must relabel these things to have a more graceful understanding. Like the ideas for the article “9 ways to Tame the Ego”  which are beautiful ideas on how to manage an ungoverned ego.I would like to go one step deeper.

I would suggest that the three parts are relabeled as such: the ego, the semi-conscious and the unconscious and consciousness.

Here I would like to define all three.

Before that but me describe a a couple of necessary understandings in this model.

  • Conscious awareness – is the day to day thought, awareness of self, awareness of environment, social skills and learned human skills
  • Unconscious – everything else human awareness is unaware of
  • Consciousness – the expanded awareness often obtained from a spiritual journey with the awareness that there is more than just the human experience or what the individual is aware of things in the conscious awareness.

Now let’s define the new paradigm for the human psyche:

  1. The ego- a software like program in the human consciousness that operates by experiential programming and assuming truths which allows the human being to perceive separateness governed by consciousness or unconscious programming.
  2. The semi-conscious- an aspect of the human being that senses what is in the of the unconscious. Yet the conscious awareness of the human being is not fully conscious of this awareness.
  3. The unconscious – that which is in the human consciousness yet the human being is not consciously aware of.
  4. Consciousness – an awareness that measure is unmeasurable and is latent within all human beings. Often perceived of as enlightenment.

Based on this we would like to explain that the ego is not your enemy. The ego is an aspect of you that you have yet become consciously the director of. The human ego is like a software bank or belief collector. It has collected all of your experiences, perceptions, judgments and emotions. Then it has either placed it in your conscious awareness, your semiconscious or your unconscious. This is determined by the perceived value of the information and whether it will be immediately needed or can be filed until a need for the information is then triggered. Your ego then selectively uses the appropriate software/beliefs in order to govern and respond to life’s events and perceptions.

The ego often assumes an identity based upon these beliefs and perceptual programming. One must keep in mind that most of the beliefs and perceptual programming are established by the age of six. Therefore the average human lives life based upon the belief systems of a six-year-old hence the reason why relationships with other humans is so difficult. The tricky part is that the human if they either evolve establishes intellectual information about growth and a healthy adult life.

They then believe that the intellectual information is how they govern their life. However the truth is that the governing of their life fluctuates between their intellect which is the conscious awareness as well as patient their semiconscious and unconscious belief systems.

This then leads to great conflict between their intellectual information and their inability to direct their emotions and experiential outcomes in a preferable manner. Most human beings with a developed conscious awareness (otherwise known as “intellect”) or adult mind,. You cannot conceive of that 80% of their life is still governed by the six-year-old being translated by the adult intellect. This leads to the disbelief that there could be something that they are unaware of.

Once the ego has created and formed an assumed identity the individual begins to believe in the identity and thereby begins to compare their new identity to the world and what happens to and around them.

After this they then make judgments about the world, themselves and their experiences that are based upon a formed identity being governed by the unconscious belief systems that have been established by the six-year-old. This to anyone ready to awaken to start could start to understand how and why their life has any challenges at all and where these challenges come from. This information is thoroughly explained in my book “Thoughts, Beliefs, Knowings and Attitudes”

The ego is not the problem and it is often misunderstood to be the problem. Statements like; so and so is very egotistical or my ego is out of control are forms of internal victimhood due to the lack of education in how the ego is formed or how it operates.

So let me clear this up for a moment and provide another perspective as to how this works.

The ego is simply a software program that tells you that you are separate from other individuals. Your conscious awareness has experiences and then makes a judgment which then begins to form a belief and leads to a type of thinking that is assumed to be true. The individual then assumes the things that they think are accurate and creates emotions and feelings based upon their perceptions and the are belief that their perceptions, emotions and interpretations are true. Your semiconscious determines whether this information is valuable or not and sends the information that is not immediately valuable into your unconscious, knowing that it has access to it any time a trigger event occurs.

For the most case you forget 90% of what you have experienced and is stored either in the semiconscious or the unconscious for access in moments of perceived danger, pain or emoting.

Then when your conscious awareness is not fully present and you are checked out so to speak from being too tired, having a drink, getting high etc. your unconscious fills the behavioral and response needs to your conscious awareness and actually takes over when you have abandoned your consciousness through exhaustion, stress or any other reason.

This is then when the individual acts in ways that they do not normally act and are surprised at the results that has come their way. Because the intellectual adult part thinks that these things would’ve never happened or should not have happened. This can lead to self abuse, self-criticism, judgment of self or the need for self-medicating.

All of these challenges and difficulties are merely a reaction of an un-governed unconscious belief system used by the ego to humanly function. The cure to all this and to free the ego from such blame is consciousness as we have defined above.

When the individual becomes conscious they make choices and they begin to see the information that bleeds from the unconscious and semiconscious and thereby use discernment as to whether this information is accurate or relevant in the now.

In short consciousness is the cure to everything. It can eliminate unwanted behaviors, challenges, failed relationships, difficulties and even illness.

It’s all a choice and once you have been educated the choices now yours. I hope this information helps someone in someway and allows for the opportunity to change and create the life they want versus living the life that they have been programmed to live.

The Ego is your friend but it requires your consciousness not your intellect to create the experiences you desire. In other words;

Live from the Heart

(as this is where consciousness resides)

Not from the mind

(the intellect)

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