September 25, 2021

The 4 Types of Introvert: Which one are You?

I’ve never thought of myself as an introvert, but lately (especially after the lockdown), I’m not so sure.

I’m usually comfortable in crowds and enjoy meeting new people, but I sure do love my alone time!

I mean, is there anything better than watching whatever trash TV show you want or blasting your music choices in some dirty, extra-soft robe and cuddling up with all 75 of your pillows with a snack assortment on either side? Not a chance!

After watching this video, I think I’m a “social introvert.” I enjoy going out; I enjoy seeing friends; I enjoy human connection. But I also feel the need to recharge after.

Do any of the types described in this short video sound like you? Comment below!

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author: Kate Force

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