July 14, 2020

12 Things Introverts Do Best.


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I am an introvert, and it’s okay.

Some things are inherent in us, and we may or may not be able to change those personality traits. We may or may not even want to change those things.

Somehow, introversion in most cultures is seen as something that needs to be “worked” on. In the corporate world, it is definitely frowned upon. Unless you are that tech person who sits in the basement server room, you’ve got to be outgoing, like meeting people, engage with clients, be a great team player, a.k.a all the qualities of an extrovert.

But hey, these are just tasks and us introverts can do them too, as good, if not better.

When I meet new people or have only known them for a short time, they can’t imagine that I’m an introvert. It’s because I have practiced being good at certain tasks and even started to enjoy some of them. But, my default setting remains—I am most cheerful when I’m with none to few people, with dogs, in silence, with no music either—basically, in “leave me alone” mode.

Most of us have preconceived ideas about how introverts are supposed to behave. I know I did. And I was confused when I started to be good at and even enjoy some things that were typically in the “extrovert” territory. So, it was fun to watch this video that talks about various things that introverts are really good at.

I could relate so damn well. Except for #2, which I might be good at, but I definitely do not enjoy, and would rather clean cow poop than do that.

Watch this video to discover 12 hidden talents of introverts:


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author: Sukriti Chopra

Image: sukritichhopra/Instagram