October 18, 2021

How to Break Free from our Addictions & Self-Sabotaging Behaviours.


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It’s never too late to quit our addictive and self-sabotaging behaviors. 

Addictions and sabotaging behaviors are automatic programs that we have the power to control and change. They are created by a sense of self that feels a void and separation. To try and feel something different, we often reach for something outside of ourselves to replace that empty feeling withinThat aching feeling of being disconnected from joy, happiness, and peace can lead to undesirable behavior that later becomes a pattern.

Addictions can be:

>> Alcohol

>> Drugs

>> Sex

>> Seeking validation

>> Religious or spiritual rituals

>> Scrolling on social media

>> Overeating

>> Obsessively exercising

Addictions are not only limited to the stereotypical labels. Addictions can also be a behavior that would generally be considered “normal” or positive, but when it becomes an escape to avoid ourselves and our own emotions, it becomes an addiction.

Self-sabotaging patterns are an emotionally triggered response to an event or circumstance that brings up emotions from the past. The current experience may have nothing to do with the way we are feeling, but because of our past experiences, we may project or react to a circumstance from a programmed and conditioned thought.

We can explore this by asking ourselves: 

>> Do you tend to feel smothered and push love away when someone gets too close?

>> Do you lack trust with your intimate partners and find ways to “test” them by projecting your insecurities onto them?

Addictions and self-sabotaging patterns can be changed without spending years trying to heal or pinpoint the exact catalyst for the triggers.

How to change addictive patterns:

We keep repeating these patterns because we become unconscious to them and only see reality through the lens of the limited identity. We identify with the emotions we feel as if we are them instead of remembering who we truly are. Who we truly are is not our name, age, race, or religion. We are pure consciousness. By observing ourselves, we can create a new reality through the lens that matches our new programming.

Next time we seek a behavioral pattern or addiction that we genuinely want to change, we need to focus on re-programming ourselves to stop identifying as the person who has those addictions or patterns. Instead, we can say to ourselves, “I am not that character that takes those actions anymore. I am a new version of me.” When we are thinking from this place, we are not thinking from our limited self, but rather the observer (pure consciousness) that can create any version of ourselves and the reality we desire.

Letting go of our limitations may feel awkward and impossible at first. If we couple this thinking with changing our foundational beliefs about our self-concept, we will see that with consistency and persistence, we will naturally and automatically start creating new behaviors aligned with the version of ourselves that we wish to become. This is how we step into the effortless part of manifesting and create anything we want.

It all begins with changing our foundational beliefs and no longer identifying with our limited self.

There are no limitations—only those that we give our power to. We are more powerful than we believe.


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Jenni Ryan  |  Contribution: 4,410

author: Jenni Ryan

Image: ayepixel/Instagram

Editor: Anjelica Ilovi