October 14, 2021

The Ebb & Flow between being Blocked, Building Awareness & Embodying Wisdom.



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As I pondered a question my yoga teacher asked about being blocked and unblocked when sharing our light, it made me want to share in case it could help others.

I feel like I will always be healed and healing. I will always be a human growing, unaware, aware, and working on embodying the wisdom from the awareness for better tomorrows. I feel I will always have blocks but also be open.

I feel when we are growing, we are also feeling, in some way, that the part of us who holds resistance is dying. That is because part of us is holding resistance as we evolve.

We do not often reflect on this, but we do grieve moving from our comforts, even if they are not our best selves. We grieve the loss of who we were before we step into who we are going to be.

It’s all part of the transformation we go through each time we recreate ourselves in a new way and share our light. It also reminds me of the notion that, as you ascend to new heights, not everyone can come with you. And you need to grieve those losses as well.

So, I ebb and flow between being blocked, building awareness, embodying wisdom, and always being open—and I will my whole life.

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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,405

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's own

Editor: Juliana Otis