November 12, 2021

Before You Forget. {Poem}


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Write your story.

Before you forget.

The one that breathes fire, the one that sings. The one that makes you uncomfortable. The one you think about.

Write your story before you are dust, before there’s nothing left, no time, no memory, no adventures, no debt.

Write your story, the one burning through your fingers, before it rolls toward regret.

Write the one that’s hard for you to write. The thing you can’t talk about, the thing you want to talk about but don’t know how, the thing that’s inside, deep, alone, wiggling, still alive.

Write the one struggling for air.

Write the one you’ve tried to rinse from your hair, the one that lays you bare.

Put it to paper so that your children may someday understand you and know you and grow from your growth.

Before there’s no one left to tell.

Write your hungry story, the one treading the deep end of your well.

Write your story, before it gets cold. The one you feed, the one feeding you, the unexpected one, the one you haven’t told.

Write your ever-loving, ever-living heart out.

Your leaves are turning dear girl, your brilliant bits clinging.

This here and now is your autumn sweet girl, your seasons are swinging.

Write the one about forgiveness.






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Kimberly Valzania  |  Contribution: 157,260

author: Kimberly Valzania

Image: muhammedsalah_/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson