November 6, 2021

How to Appreciate the Little Things.

“I got a haircut this morning.”

Or maybe I should say, “I got a haircut this morning!”

Why does this haircut deserve an exclamation point? Did I go to a new salon? Did I get a new cut that made me look younger? Why was this appointment different than all the others?

It was different because I have come to appreciate the little things.

My appointment was scheduled at 9 a.m. I don’t usually get out of the house on a Saturday before noon, but today was special. My hair expert just happens to also be a great friend and she suggested I come early to my appointment so we could grab a coffee. A perfect way to start my weekend.

I appreciate my friend making this suggestion; it means she wants to spend some time with me. Who doesn’t need some time with a good friend and good cup of coffee? I set that alarm to get up early on a Saturday because I have come to appreciate the little things.

On the drive, I refrained from my usual of turning on music and singing my way to my destination. It was still quiet in my neighborhood, not many cars on the road, so I decided to enjoy the drive listening to the sounds of the road. Because sometimes my ears just need a break, and because I have come to appreciate the little things.

I arrived at my destination and walked into the little coffee shop where I was greeted by a “good morning” and a store full of cute, colorful, and creative trinkets. This little store always makes me smile. I can always find something I didn’t even know I needed!

We didn’t get much time to browse all the goodies because our coffee was ready! My smart friend ordered ahead, and I appreciated that first sip of my lavender latte because I have come to appreciate the little things.

As I settled into the chair at the salon, I anticipated the warm water that would soon hit my head. This took me back to the days when my mom would wash my long hair while I leaned over the sink. Today my hair is short and has quite a few “natural highlights,” but I still enjoyed having someone wash my hair with yummy smelling shampoo, because I have come to appreciate the little things.

My pixie cut didn’t take long, so my friend and I were able to chat after. It was so nice to sit and talk with someone who shares my views on some things but not all. A good friend reminds you of your accomplishments and your shortcomings. They will remind you to be kind and gentle with yourself and you can remind them to do the same. We only talked for about 20 minutes or so, but I will always take quality over quantity when it comes to a great conversation, because I have come to appreciate the little things.

On my drive home, I did turn up the music, and I did sing like no one was listening. I opened the sunroof on my car and enjoyed the warmth of the sun. I did not have any other appointments on my calendar for that lovely Saturday so I contemplated a few options I could take while I was already out on the road. I settled on taking my time, enjoying the drive, enjoying the music, and enjoying that my calendar was empty for the rest of the day, because I have come to appreciate the little things.

My wish for everyone taking the time to read my words is to find some way you can appreciate the little things.

What can you enjoy today? Will it be that first sip of coffee or tea in the morning? Will it be when your puppy jumps up as soon as you grab the leash? Maybe it will be all the green lights you get as you drive to work. Whatever it may be enjoy, appreciate, and share!

Hearted by


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Barbara Guerrero  |  Contribution: 2,765

author: Barbara Guerrero

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Lisa Erickson