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November 15, 2021

Life Cycles

The galaxies, the cosmos, the planets all swirl around, moving, sending beacons of light and energies to earth so all living, breathing beings can evolve.

Waning, becoming more prominent and brighter, then waning growing brighter again over and over; the same goes for human life.

Changes in the weather keep moving and shifting, never going backwards; however, only the human eye never seems to grasp it fully. When everything seems like a standstill, it is not. Everything has and will continue to keep moving forward.

Losing someone we love, we experience pain and such loss that it can never be described or articulated. Every individual’s emotions and loss are unique to their connection with that soul.

Experiencing love, beauty, victories, pain, anguish, trauma and triumph of immense magnitude touched so many other souls on this earth, be it gentle or defiant ways.

Just as nature goes through life cycles with all its glory, so do we as humans on earth. Global challenges we are all in is helping us experience more enlightenment and appreciate every day we are here, which is a gift.

The most potent source of energy of life is LOVE. As the saying goes, love makes the world go around. This truth for and of love is what connects us all.

When a life source leaves the body, it does not take material things nor hatred or anger, but only the love created with and for the next phase of the life energy journey.

The challenge for those loved ones left behind is working through the human attachment aspect as many mental, emotional, and physical traumas are experienced. The traumas invariably can set the tone of how one proceeds to handle ongoing life challenges.

Every individual grieving process varies; however, understanding an attachment and freeing a loved one would help immensely shift forward in life, accept and embrace change.

Connecting with the love felt and using that love energy to heal and nurture oneself with compassion helps not drown in grief instead celebrate the love. The ones that left us would want us to celebrate the life lived.

The process of healing, embracing change and accepting loss is never an easy ride.

However, being gentle with oneself through healing – understanding a connection and purpose will always reveal the truth and meaning.

We are all connected via a cosmic thread playing our parts in the grand scheme of the cosmos to help us grow and evolve.

~ Ann S Keightley


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