December 3, 2021

5 Small Habits that will Change your Life Forever.


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It’s really easy to get into a funk.

To just go through the motions of life while slipping into boredom or complacency…and not even realize it’s happening.

We just start to feel tired…lazy…demotivated. We can even lose motivation to do the things we like doing, things that energize us and inspire us—things that connect us to us.

This can happen for all sorts of reasons, and I think it’s natural, but it’s not the most fun. Who doesn’t want to feel energized and inspired? Who doesn’t want to feel awake, alive, and ready to dive into all of the things we love doing?

I recently got back from a vacation, and while I’ve been struggling with some jet lag, I’ve also found myself more energized (in a heart and soul way) and more inspired to jump into different parts of my life that I hadn’t been able to connect with as deeply before my break.

And I realized that while I had reasons for some of the tiredness I was feeling before my trip (the change of seasons and it getting dark earlier!), I also just somehow got into a rut of feeling like I didn’t have time to do the things I liked doing. Like I had to just get through the days accepting I didn’t have time (or energy) to do certain things.

But…that’s not really true. It was just an excuse. And I know this—because I’ve spent a lot of time the past couple of days diving into things that are meaningful to me.

I saw this video this morning and my favorite part is that the tips are super simple. They’re small, simple, and of the “baby step” mentality—which, I think, is super helpful when we’re trying to get moving or if we feel overwhelmed.

Honestly, tip two might actually change my life. (Clean for 10 minutes each day.) Thinking about cleaning in such a small, simple, manageable way could be just the trick to get me into doing it (with more joy)—because I often feel resistance, feeling that if I start cleaning, I have to clean the whole dang house.

Also, I think tip two could be used with all sorts of things. Hesitant to meditate for 30 or 60 minutes? Set a timer for 10 minutes. Feel tired and don’t want to exercise? Walk (or do something) for 10 minutes. Tired but don’t want to (or can’t) take a full nap? Set a timer for 10 minutes. Want a break from doing “productive things” to scroll online or text a friend or call a loved one? Give yourself even 10 minutes. Read the news, sing, draw, paint, read, cuddle your pet…for even 10 minutes.

I’ll totally be integrating this one into my life.

Are there any of these tips that you connect with or that you want to bring into your life?

Five small habits that will change your life forever:

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author: Lisa Erickson

Image: lauraklinke_art/instagram