December 2, 2021

A Guided Meditation to keep us Grounded in our Needs this Holiday Season. 

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While remembering our needs can be difficult during the holiday season, it can also be what helps us stay centered.

Buying gifts, preparing food, and even coming together with family during the Christmas season often brings up feelings of stress and overwhelm. As we try to please everyone around us, it’s easy to forget about what matters to us.

When the world around us becomes hectic and other people demand things from us, we can ground ourselves by recalling our needs.

I created a guided meditation for that very reason. When we acknowledge and act on our individual needs, we can stay in touch with ourselves. This is important because connecting with ourselves is a prerequisite for being in connection with others. Only then can such a connection bring us real joy.

You can listen to the meditation here.

I’d love to hear how it works for you as you navigate the holiday stress.

May you feel deeply connected to yourself and your needs during this time and, from this place, enjoy connecting with the people in your life.


Another helpful resource for this time of year:


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Rebekka Lehmann  |  Contribution: 38,790

author: Rebekka Lehmann

Editor: Nicole Cameron