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December 31, 2021

Sustainable New Years Resolutions

Photo by Nicole Michalou on Pexels.

It is the 31st of December 2021. That means the last day of 2021. And I am baking the Dutch “Oliebollen”. That is a tradition in The Netherlands to make the during the change of the years. Sometimes, people eat them earlier. I love baking them myself at the last day of the day. I have done that for a few years, and my father made them when I was a little kid.

This last day got me thinking – as usual on the last dat of the year – about my resolutions. Did I actually met my goals for the year? If yes, what was it and did it went well? How did I manage to get the goals I wanted to achieve?

Thinking about this year also realised me how this pandemic caught me. In the first year, I went along with it, the second year caught mu emotions I held back. I realised how much I wanted that my concert for children got cancelled. I really was looking forward to this concert as the first concert got through. I loved playing again with my orchestra friends. How did I not manage to feel my emotions? Did I hold back everything and went with the flow?

One of the goals was to be more sustainable.” In what way do I want to be more sustainable?” That was the first question I asked myself in the first week of 2021.

These were my goals for 2021 when it is about being more sustainable:

  • Separate plastic into the correct bin
  • Buy products with less polyester, preferably 100% cotton

Separate plastic into the correct bin

In The Netherlands there is a system that you have to separate paper, plastic, fruit and vegetables rest and more. This is standard. This is what I do already, but it is more the plastic that I still put into the normal rest bin. Even though, I am telling it myself, and my children.

Buy products with less polyester, preferably 100% cotton

I wanted to buy less products with polyester, but these days it is hard to find the right products. Polyester has some micro-plastic parts when it breaks down. That will come into the ocean and when plastic is in the ocean we have plastic soup what sea animals eat., When these sea animals eat them, the animals will be killed. That is such a waste of the climate, as we need those sea animals.


Unfortunately, I didn’t make my new years resolution this year. I looked at it when I bought products, but in cheap shops, you don’t find 100% cotton stuff. You have to go to specialised shops. Most of them are online. I just love physically shopping a lot. You have more contact with others.

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