March 10, 2022

What Authenticity Means to Me.

Seems to me that “authentic” is the theme of my life right now.

Everywhere I turn, I am discussing authenticity with someone, somewhere.

I love it!

So it got me thinking about what that word actually means, to me, and how I can truly represent it. So I came up with this.

Authentically me.

I need not be anyone other than me. If someone is going to truly love me, they will love me for all of me, faults, quirkiness, and how I am ever-evolving, spiritually-minded, freedom- and commitment-seeking, feisty, and argumentative.

This is me!

I am grounded in my home life, my kids, career, dog, and friendships. I love the domestic world around me. I am always seeking the magic of life, how to improve, be a better person, friend, mother, leader. I thrive off feeling productive and accountable and responsibility drives me.

Put quite simply, I love being me in more ways than one.

How amazing that I do not have to pretend to be more than what I actually am. Why pretend? Because ultimately what a person gets from me is exactly what I can give.

I am a beautiful, soft, but incredibly strong, grounded woman who is loyal, to the extreme, supportive, and believes everything is possible. My love and belief in a person are unwavering, almost to a fault. I quickly make a person a part of my life, home, and family once I feel someone belongs there. If I don’t, it’s goodbye.

I love fiercely and with intention.

Please do not try to change me or keep me from being my true self. I have worked so hard to become me and I am not going backward, so do not take me for granted. Encourage me, support me, keep me grounded when I take off in flight. Love me more when I am feisty or feeling lost. Do not back away when I need you most; lean into me. Challenge me, but don’t disrespect me. Love me and provide me the security I deserve as this has been a long road and I am tired.

I am me and that is an awesome thing to be as there is no one else out there who is the same.

Let me radiate and shine to all that deserves my light.


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Avesha Parker  |  Contribution: 114,285

author: Avesha Parker

Image: Seth Doyle/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson