April 1, 2022

Today, after 19.8 good but long years, I’m leaving Elephant. I’m leaving Boulder, & moving on to Maine. Plus, I’m adopting a new Redford puppy! {April Fool’s}

Today, after 19.8 good but long years, I’m leaving Elephant.

Things are going well, but it’s an awful lot of work, and I’m 47.8 now, and I’m a bit tired. I have an amazing team, so it’s time to move on. To help us continue to publish quality articles for the next 20 years, under the guidance of Nicole and Cat and our other amazing editors, Lisa, Elyane, etc.—please subscribe today to our newsletter. Every time you open a newsletter, you help make us independent of Facebook’s monopoly (Instagram has blackholed most independent media and writers other than Elephant community over the past 5 years). Our newsletter signup is on our site, but it’s elephant journal dot com slash newsletter.

Finally, if we can get 108 of you heroic-feeling readers—a small number among our millions of subscribers—to subscribe, today, you’ll give a real shot in the arm to Elephant and our continued efforts to offer a mindful, dialogue-open approach to community over the next years. elephant journal dot come slash subscribe. Please, if you’ve appreciated Elephant over the last 20 years, renew or begin your subscription today and comment on this article! I’ll thank you directly.

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After wrapping up my service with Elephant, I’m leaving Boulder.

I’m moving on to Maine. After a year of watching re-runs of Murder She Wrote with Michelle on the couch after another long exhausting endless day, then falling asleep halfway-through and dreaming about being an author (minus all the murders) in Cabot Cove, Michelle and I are moving to Rockland. We’ll be much closer to my mom, which is nice, since we plan on having children…

And that’s another thing. I’m adopting a new dog. I will name him Winfield (after my childhood hero, Dave), and hope he’ll be closely followed by a baby as Michelle and I get settled.

So, that’s that! One final bit of news: My second book, “It’s Never too Late to Fall in Love with your Life,” is on press today! It’s been named NY Times Editor’s Pick. You can reserve your copy (preorders are $5 off, signed free), here.

Nothing we shared this morning was true. All of it had truth in it.

April Fool’s Day, once a year? Never! I know it’s “cool” to hate on April Fool’s, these days, but it’s wise to be foolish—& gosh knows the world needs one uncancelable day. Unconditionally Cheerful April the First.

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