July 3, 2022

33 Interesting Things we keep Talking Ourselves out Of.

We’re sneakily sabotaging ourselves all the damn time.

We convince ourselves that we have all the time in the world. We get into procrastination cycles. We seem to have an unending supply of the fear of failure.

If things are just “okay” right now, why would we upset the apple cart, right?

But our time on this planet is finite, and the closer we get to middle age, the more in-your-face that fact seems to become. Before we know it, we’re in our 40s, questioning every major life decision we’ve made, and wondering how we can pack 80 more years of life into the remaining 32.6 we probably have left (on average).

So, here’s your reminder that we don’t live forever. If there’s something you’ve been putting off because you’re scared, because you think you don’t have the time, because you’ve been prioritizing other people and things over yourself—right now is the time (not tomorrow, not a month from now) to figure out how to give yourself the thing you’ve secretly wished for.

Here are some (kind of unique) things that we’ve been talking ourselves out of for way too long: 

1. Changing your name (if you’re unhappy with it).

2. Raising chickens.

3. Solo backpacking.

4. Getting your midwifery degree.

5. Getting a tattoo or piercing after 50.

6. Starting a podcast.

7. Turning your photography hobby into a business.

8. Taking more mental health days.

9. Taking singing lessons.

10. Moving back to your hometown.

11. Starting your own dog training business.

12. Buying a classic car to fix it up.

13. Writing your memoir.

14. Learning to fly a small plane.

15. Renting a cabin for a month in the middle of nowhere.

16. Transforming your lawn into a garden.

17. Living on a boat.

18. Investing in an electric car.

19. Learning how to microbrew.

20. Indulging in regular massages.

21. Getting your motorcycle license.

22. Joining a roller derby team.

23. Cutting ties with someone.

24. Learning to bake the perfect chocolate cake from scratch.

25. Adopting a bearded dragon.

26. Signing up to be an extra in a movie.

27. Planning a besties weekend with your oldest friends.

28. Running for office.

29. Visiting the giant sequoia trees.

30. Learning to can your own jam.

31. Investing in an art piece you’ve had your eye on.

32. Composing a song.

33. Sleeping under the stars (actually, not in a tent).

Many naysayers will argue, “If we really wanted to do it, we would. We would find a way.” And to a degree, that’s true. When I am determined, I definitely find ways to get what I want. But many of us have barriers, often emotional, that need to be addressed before we can move forward.

So if something on this list sparks a longing, and for some reason, you just haven’t made it happen for yourself, the first question to ask is, why? 


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Cat Monkman  |  Contribution: 17,625

author: Catherine Monkman

Image: Dmitriy Ganin/Pexels