July 13, 2022

“You’ve Seen the Most Intimate Parts of my Life”—a Love Letter to my Car.

You’ve seen the best of me—and the worst of me.

I’ve cried and laughed and screamed in you.

I found out my father died while riding in you.

I’ve sung along to countless songs and listened to hours of books in you.

I’ve had long talks with my family and friends in you.

You’ve helped me carry children safely and been witness to countless giggles and memories with them.

I’ve slept in you,

ate and drank in you,

brushed my teeth in you,

had sex in you,

gotten dressed in you,

and cried—a lot—in you.

You are there when I am at my most anxious, a way for me to steer around and calm myself.

You have seen the most intimate parts of my life and I am grateful for the little safe haven I have in you.


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Courtney Pitts  |  Contribution: 3,255

author: Courtney Pitts

Image: Author's own

Editor: Nicole Cameron