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July 22, 2022

True life values with commitment

Photo by Adonyi Gábor on Pexels.

From the time we all came into the world, we were given opportunities, that was already planned out for us all.

We were not informed, what them opportunities would be, it’s part of our learning and teaching on our journey’s in life.

Some of us will lose our way on our path, some will continue on the path. But we all will make mistakes and learn from them.

We all will experience things, that we feel so broken within ourselves. It’s not about being broken, it’s giving us the strength to continue onto the path, that was meant for us all.

There will be many people who enters in our life and many who will exit from our life. The ones who stays, there’s always a reason and purpose for those individuals. The ones who leaves from our life, they don’t deserve to have a spot in our life or in our heart.

When others try’s to belittle or break you down, let them individuals travel in a different directions away from you.
Keep the individuals, who brings you joy, happiness and peace in your life.

Never lose your Hope, Faith, Happiness, Peace, Love and Self Respect within yourself.

Never allow, others that control and satisfaction.

We all are Beautiful in our own genuine and unique ways. Always be your True self.

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