November 17, 2022

“Jon Stewart on Dave Chappelle, Kyrie Irving, and Kanye West.”

Wherein Jon Stewart posits the anti-Trumpian radical notion that we can allow nuanced debate in society as a way toward healing people so they can heal people

The way Jon jumps from anti-semitism to humor to education to nuance to jokes…ah, I miss him.

“I love Jon Stewart, but he didn’t seem to do his research in the Irving situation. His specific complaint is that the Nets ‘only punished him by suspending him’ which is just incorrect. The Nets suspension stipulates that Irving must:

Apologize and condemn the antisemitic film he was referencing

Donate half a million dollars to anti-hate organizations

Complete broad sensitivity training as well as sensitivity training specific to Jewish culture

Meet with leaders of the anti defamation league, as well as Jewish leaders

It is not accurate at all to say that the Nets ‘just put him in time out.'” ~ an apt comment on Reddit


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