January 16, 2023

40 Reasons I’m Loving My 40s.


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Personally, I’ve never been in the “I’m afraid of getting older” camp.

I’m loving growing older.

I’m loving the gifts, the wisdom, the perspective shifts, the depth of experience, and the freedom to no longer agree with people or things I don’t resonate with.

Our culture is obsessed with youth, peaking in our 20s, and living our best moments before our brains are mature enough to truly process them (the average brain is not fully developed until age 30).

I’m over it.

I did a lot of amazing things in my 20s, but I would never want to go back.

I’m ready for what’s ahead because the past is over and it ain’t coming back.

As I slide deeper into my 40s, I’m noticing many big and small blessings along the way.

Here are 40 reasons I love being in my 40s.

1. The space to say “no” without needing to explain or dramatize.
2. Following intuition/gut feelings without argument or fear of the unknown.
3. Deeper self-respect.
4. Fewer wedding engagements and baby announcements to pretend to care about (so over it and no, I’m not buying you a gift!).
5. No more Vegas birthday parties or wedding showers (thank God!).
6. The freedom to not shave my legs or wash my hair every single time I shower.
7. Being able to use the “I’m too tired” excuse whenever I want and people don’t argue.
8. Not going to events or parties I don’t really care about just to have something to do.
9. Deeper self-permission.
10. More awareness of how precious my time is.
11. Being able to say phrases like, “Back in the 80s” or “Back in the 90s.”
12. Ghosting or ignoring people I don’t want to deal with anymore or who suck my energy dry (and not feeling bad about it!).
13. Less pressure to have loads of friends.
14. Childhood conditioning falling away.
15. Feeling sexy in my own skin regardless of my weight, hairstyle, or outfit.
16. No more chasing romantic relationships because I’m too damn tired.
17. Going to bed earlier and waking up earlier.
18. Less need to impress people (because most of them are not worth impressing).
19. Increased personal freedom and liberation from society’s “rules.”
20. Less imposter syndrome.
21. Deeper self-trust.
22. No more pressure to do well in school.
23. Understanding what’s truly important—health, mental well-being, financial stability, and speaking my personal truth.
24. Realizing my parents are just people.
25. No more pressure to be “popular” (which honestly sounds like a ton of work).
26. Doing things to get them done rather than make them perfect.
27. Protecting my energy field from anything that doesn’t feel good (thoughts, beliefs, people, and social movements/politics).
28. Less need to get people to like me or understand me (what a relief!).
29. Realizing my worth, potential, and talents and not apologizing for them.
30. Less pressure to respond to people immediately via email and text.
31. Owning all my paths, accomplishments, and achievements and allowing them to be enough.
32. Deeper inner wisdom.
33. Accepting my own point of view even when it clashes with every other human.
34. Breaking the habit of apologizing when it’s not my fault.
35. Speaking up when I’m dissatisfied, hurt, or dismissed.
36. Understanding the only person in my experience 24/7 is me—I have to be right with myself.
37. Less self-rejection, self-abandonment, and self-betrayal.
38. Less need to prove myself (even to myself!).
39. Realizing no one is coming to save me—it’s my job to save myself.
40. More self-permission to be alone, solitary, quiet, and contemplative.

I recently had a birthday and am enjoying the gifts of this season of life more than I imagined.

I realize what it is—self-authority.

When we’re young, we’re more strapped by society’s thinking and morals than we realize. We’re constantly asking permission to exist, take up space, and be here.

No more.

I’m not buying a ticket to live my own life, and I’m not standing in line anymore, either.

I’m taking up space.

I’m calling the shots.

I’m opening my mouth and letting words come out.

I’m finally my own authority and my own keeper.

And I love myself more than I ever have before.


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Elizabeth Gordon  |  Contribution: 62,090

author: Elizabeth Gordon

Image: giselle_dekel/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson