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January 30, 2023

Mini Thought 1- Infidelity

Infidelity is a word that has the power to stop many of us in our tracks. Extramarital affairs/infidelity is not something most of us like to discuss, but it is more prevalent in society now than ever. However, this is not why I am here today; the topic of infidelity is not new, but one thing that recently caught my attention is society’s reaction to some of the cheating scandals in Hollywood.

There were some big celebrity cheating scandals last year. Adam Levine, Behati Prinsloo, Tristan Thompson, Khloe Kardashian, Emily Ratajkowski, and her husband (Sebastian). I am sure you are like me, who was shocked to hear about the news of their spouses/ partners cheating on these women. This was not the first time I felt like this. I was dumbfounded even when I heard Beyonce, aka Queen B, was cheated on by her husband and Sienna Miller cheated by her then Fiancée Jude Law in 2005 (Why Jude Why?)

BUT why I ask myself, if I knew extramarital affairs/infidelities are common and no one is immune to them, why am I surprised by these scandals? Was it because these couples displayed so much public affection that it would be hard to believe that they didn’t love each other deeply and suspect any issues in their relationships? The more I thought about this topic which led me to read two articles online (links below), I knew I was lying to myself the reason and realised that I was also one of the individuals who reacted to these scandals on Twitter. My dear readers, I also believed these women were considered to be PERFECTLY created creatures, and any man who have them would be completely fulfilled so these women would never be cheated on.

Long pause here.

Yes, I truly thought this when I heard about these famous cheating scandals, and I am ashamed of my thinking. I honestly am. Why do you ask? I have basically reduced the entire value of a woman to how she looks. Women like Emily Ratajkowski, Behati Prinsloo, are considered to be the most ‘beautiful’ women in our society and the beauty industry has convinced us that this is what we should aim for and who we should idolise. So, if these women get cheated on, do mere mortals like us have any chance of fulfilling our spouses and partners? I, too, sadly focused on the woman when thinking about these cheating scandals instead of the reasons that lead the man to cheat. Yes, dear readers, I am cringing right now, and I am truly grateful these articles caught my attention to really open my eyes on this matter!

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