February 13, 2023

168 Words on the Beauty of Learning to Slow Down.

What if when you noticed things not working,

Not feeling right,

Not going the way you’d like,

Or thought,

Or hoped,

You stopped,


Pulled back,

Slowed down?

What if you took a moment to pause,

To breathe,

To turn inward?

What if when it felt like you were pushing

And forcing,

Relentless trying to move forward—


You let yourself soften,


Pull back,

Slow down,

Stop moving?

What if you understood that you could learn more,

Get further,


By doing less,

By releasing pressure,

By not pushing

Or forcing?

By softening,

And listening,

And becoming aligned from within?

What if the moments where you felt like you were banging against an invisible wall

Were opportunities to stop,

To pause,

To pull back,

To slow down,

To get curious,

To turn inward,

To tune in—

To yourself?

What if instead of trying to force your way through,

You understood that you could slow down,




Give yourself space,

Turn inward,

Connect more deeply within?


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Lisa Erickson  |  Contribution: 262,250

author: Lisa Erickson

Image: Ryan Moreno/Unsplash