February 10, 2023

18 Reminders that May Comfort you When you Feel Helpless.


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“When we resist change, it’s called suffering. But when we can completely let go and not struggle against it, when we can embrace the groundlessness of our situation and relax into it’s dynamic quality, that’s called enlightenment.” ~ Pema Chödrön


Feeling paralyzed by fear and worry is not uncommon.

In fact, it may be excessively familiar and recurring.

When we experience a traumatic event, a setback, or even a minor disappointment, our entire physical and physiological state can get disrupted.

It becomes hard to put our feelings into words and to find a safe mental shelter where we can flee from our destructive thoughts and behaviors.

I’ve been feeling extremely overwhelmed lately. I don’t feel safe or motivated. I just need someone to look me in the eyes and help me reduce my helplessness.

However, when this wave of fear and worry overwhelms me, I forget about the reminders that I’ve always held so close to my heart. I forget the dangerous impact that trauma has and somehow get sucked into it.

Sometimes all we need to do is listen to the voice within. It always guides us and shows us the way. This is what I did. In the midst of my pain and overwhelm I asked myself how to get better. I held my own hand and observed my numb body.

Your reminders may be different than mine, but it’s important to jot them down and go through them whenever you feel that you may never be happy again.

In any tough situation, it is crucial to remember that it’s possible to reduce your anxious or helpless feelings.

Here are my own 18 reminders:

  1. It’s okay to feel how you feel.
  2. You’re alive—such an underrated blessing.
  3. You’ve endured overwhelming obstacles before.
  4. This, too, shall pass.
  5. Try not to worry, but do think about solutions.
  6. Your present moment might be filled with fear—temporarily.
  7. Not everyone will understand your situation.
  8. Look for love and kindness—not understanding.
  9. Spending time with loved ones might reduce your anxiety.
  10. Sometimes there’s no lesson to learn.
  11. Pay attention to your breathing (whenever you can).
  12. Try to focus on what you are doing right now.
  13. Some things are beyond our control, but we can’t prevent them by worry.
  14. Acknowledge how far you’ve come.
  15. Take baby steps toward what motivates you.
  16. You’re still worthy.
  17. Remember your strengths.
  18. Things can (and will) get better.



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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: giuliajrosa/Instagram