March 17, 2023

Most Traditions are a big mix of Good & Bad.

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

Mindful Mondays, with Waylon Lewis.

St. Patrick’s Day may have come and gone, but this video merely uses it as an example for a larger conversation:

“Some traditions are beautiful. Some are awful. Most are both. Some change is needed. Some should be fought.

Discernment is key. Know our history.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

Read the article Waylon quotes inside this video, Tradition alone is not enough reason to continue something that has unnecessary pain and hurt wrapped up in it.” 

“It’s important for all of us to to cherish and protect beautiful traditions and craft that are positive and to fight against change that is negative.

But it’s equally important for us to let go of oppressive traditions and attachments. This shouldn’t be a radical notion. Let’s let go of our attachments to some of the cruelty in our past, lest it continue through our present to our future.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

Or, listen to the podcast:


Mark your calendars: Waylon Lewis is back with his award-winning video series and podcast. He’ll be going live each Monday and starting out with mindful topics each week, big & small.

Big news about my podcast, new YouTube channel.

Our podcast and video series are trying to start up again, with Molly’s help! Help support them by viewing, listening, sharing. I’m once again doing a convo/video/podcast at least once a week. Hope you give it a listen.

I’m leaving behind Elephant’s 35,000 subscribers (Google never let us monetize) and many millions of views—and I hope you’ll subscribe to my new channel here: I’ll upload at least one video a week about everyday mindfulness and eco and meditation and relationships and food and equality and politics from a non-hateful perspective, and all that good stuff.

⁠So, anyways, starting a new account. Subscribe! Support! Share! All the things. May it be of benefit! Be one of my first and comment if you do so.


For more mindful chats, go to elephantjournal.com/talkshow and follow us on Instagram at @walkthetalkshow.

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