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April 7, 2023

What’s Behind the Mask? Uncovering the Underlying Causes of Narcissism in Partners

We usually use the term narcissist to describe someone who is selfish and vain. But the truth is that that’s a personality disorder which is very often to find today. But, most of the time, people are not conscious of it.

Most narcissists think they are unique, memorable, thеy are the most pretty, etc. They are very manipulative. In short, they deride everyone by elevating themselves.

Although living with a person with this type of disorder is challenging, you may not realize that your life may become hell at some point. But, on what signs should you pay attention to conclude that your partner is a narcissist?

They are Always Right

Of course, when you live with someone, there are a lot of situations that can happen during your life. Sometimes it will be your fault or your partner’s. But they think that they never make mistakes.

Also, it is very hard to say sorry. Maybe they say just if you convince them. But they think differently and are suitable in every situation.

The worst part is that you will think they are right at some point, and everything happens because of your fault. But that’s not true; they only try to manipulate you.

They Think They are The Best.

No matter how you are doing, how intelligent or beautiful you are, or how good you are, they are always way better than you. It may be apparent that they are not, mainly because of their behavior, but they try to cover it up.

They may try to improve you or want you to think they are the best. For some, it guarantees you won’t leave them for someone better.

But, no matter the reason behind this point, they shouldn’t do that because it lowers your confidence and can affect your mental health.

They are Cheating On You.

Narcissists are people with excellent flirting skills. They can make you think that you are the only one that they love, but at the same time, they are telling it to someone else. Especially if they have already done that multiple times and you forgave them, be sure they will do it all over again.

They Don’t Show Their Love.

All of us are looking for some form of love in someone. And, if you are in a relationship, it’s because you are both in love. But, when it comes to words for a narcissistic partner, there are chances that you are not loved and appreciated as you wish.

Sometimes they make you feel like the most loved person in the world, and sometimes they are cold. Sometimes you question whether they love you or are manipulating you.

They Think That The World Should Revolve Around Them.

When the partner is a narcissist, it is evident that they will make them in the first place. They will not care about anyone else but themselves.

At some point, they will start to make their wishes and needs like essential things in the life of their children, parents, siblings, and of course, you as their partner.

But this can be a severe sign because they are usually unaware. Usually, a person behaves selfishly towards their partner, but especially not towards their parents.

“Research indicates that the underlying causes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) can be multi-faceted, from genetics and neurobiology to the individual’s upbringing. However, probably the most influential factor is childhood experience. This includes positive and negative experiences one had growing up, such as praise or criticism from parents or guardians. All of these elements combined can leave an individual feeling insecure or inadequate, which sets in motion defense mechanisms that are the foundation of NPD.” – writes Carla Coreli.

If You Try to Discuss Their Narcissistic Behavior, They Can Start Arguing With You.

It Is normal to want to discuss your feelings and thoughts about their behavior. But your partner doesn’t want to talk about topics where he is wrong.

Maybe this topic hurts him because he will think you don’t love him as he is. But it’s impossible to be satisfied with this type of treatment.

So, for these reasons, your partner will start an argument, where of course, he is right, and you are the one who complicates his life. He wants to avoid the conversation by arguing whenever you talk about this. And, of course, you are the wrong one in the end. This type of conversation can often make your partner move away from you.

They Are Usually Jealous of Almost Everything.

If your partner is narcissistic, they will try to control your life because they are jealous of almost everyone.

They won’t let you go on a trip without them; they will be jealous if you go somewhere with your colleagues from work. Maybe they won’t let you go shopping alone. And the list goes on.

They can behave like this because they are narcissists and want to take all the control in your life, just to be sure that you will not cheat on them, or they want to be the center of your world.

They Don’t Accept You as You Are.

As you already know, narcissists think they are perfect, and because of that, they will want to find “the perfect partner”.

Of course, nobody is perfect, and your partner may act like you are one of the worst people they have ever met. They will try to change your needs, routine, hobbies, etc.

They want to make you like someone perfect to them. And because of that, you will start to have insecurities and lose self-confidence. The best part about them is that you will begin to think that they are perfect, and you can’t find a better partner than them.

What Are The Best Advantages You Should Take If Your Partner is a Narcissist?

According to the signs I have previously mentioned, it’s not hard to suppose that if you have a narcissistic partner it can affect your mental health.

But if you love that person and can’t leave them, we want to help you! Here are some pieces of advice to help your relationship grow under these conditions:

  • Convince your partner that you should go on therapy together.
  • Try to be calm while you are near them and avoid arguments.
  • Seek help from your relatives.
  • Show more love to your partner, so they can feel that you love them no matter what.

So, we hope that love can change anything!

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