May 10, 2023

These Feet are made for Walking.

I sold Scarlett.

So no, this is not about my going sober; hopefully, one day I will be able to share news of that nature.

I sold Scarlett, my six-year-and four-month-old car with less than 17,000 miles, recent oil change, and new wipers. All four tires were replaced one year before and battery two years before.

Best decision of my life. Well, there have been other finest decisions, but regarding practical pieces of metal to get from point A to point B—my best decision.

It’s been six months, and I have not had to call an UBER or Lyft, yet. No need to beg a neighbor for a ride.

I did buy Ellie, a stainless-steel vertical shopping cart. She is my new ride when buying lots of groceries and supplies. We head south on Village Parkway to the Square. My grocery store, bank, and the Saturday outside market are there. I have had one lady ask me about her while we were in the same aisle at Publix the other week. She was placing small items on the seat on her walker. We had a detailed chat.

It wasn’t all happy feet whistling while I put miles on my Roxy sneakers. Nope. Somehow, after a couple weeks of walking bliss in my yellow sneakers, I started having pain in my right foot and ankle.

Ugh. It had taken me well over a year to finally heal from a left foot/ankle/knee/hip issue. I knew I needed to treat my right issue with love and rest. Not Jann. I put on my black Roxy’s since they have a higher base and walked with my two metal sticks. Swelling persisted and I finally resigned myself to using Instacart and shelling out the big bucks for higher prices, tips, and convenience of home delivery within two hours.

I continued my mat work and daily range of motion (ROM) exercises. I added in the roller for working on my neuro-myofascial system for my spine, pelvis, hands, and feet. I allowed restorative yoga to be practice more often. I did short walks at the apartment complex.

Finally, she healed. It took a month or so, but with Ellie for larger loads, and just me and my happy feet for smaller and lighter shopping, we are walking and smiling.

So, what’s the point of selling Scarlett you ask? Good question.

Pollution, overcrowding on the roads, aggressive, angry, selfish, reckless, and just plain mean drivers. Heck, stop signs, stopping for pedestrians, and stopping for wildlife attempting the cross their land that we dug up and put down roads is apparently optional here in Florida.

Yes, I am angry, but my anger always goes away in ten seconds and leaves me with sadness and disappointment.

However, the light from the crack is this: I am outside even more, walking, saying hello to other walkers and bicyclists, seeing the details. I am not adding to the congestion on the streets, nor pollution.

I have saved with having no car insurance, gas, maintenance, car washing, tolls, roadside assistance, trying to find a safe parking space. Plus, I got a great deal on my sale—double what I was thinking.

I feel lighter on one hand, and stronger on the other. Walking has always been a part of my life; moving to Florida required a car due to my jobs and no public transportation. I am hopeful the public transportation will happen, but in the meantime, with or without Ellie, I am walking to where I need or want to go.

I might add a bicycle in the future, but I feel safer walking because “they” drive over bicyclists before pedestrians.

So, if feasible, give it a try.

Help save this tiny blue marble we call Momma Earth, and add some healthy joy to yours.


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Janice Dolk  |  Contribution: 427,815

author: Janice Dolk

Image: Joshua Tsu/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson