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June 20, 2023

How To Recreate Your Life after 50 from a 60 year old On-Line Entrepreneur

Getting older is all the rage, especially when you consider the alternative.

Although ageism is a very real thing, much of what we experience in our lives comes from our own belief system, what we project and how we feel. If you feel and believe you are washed up after 50, you probably are not going to project the essence of someone who is vivacious and has a ton of vitality.

When I was a young girl, I thought 50 or 60 was practically dead.

As I came upon my 50″s, I had never looked or felt better in my life. I was able to create my own reality and decided that aging was inevitable but didn’t mean it was going to be riddled with bad things.


Our 50’s is often a time of transition. If you have kids, they are probably out of the house and possibly starting their own families. You may be considering leaving your full time work or giving a hard look at what you really want.

After 50 is a perfect time to refresh, restart and refocus on the life you’ve been living and compare that to a life that would feel amazing.

Here are 3 simple, yet powerful steps to recreate your life

  1. Do an inventory of where you are: Using the 5 key aspects of life ( relationships, financial, health and career/purpose) write down where you are and under that write out what would be ideal.
  2. Look at your daily routines: Ask yourself how are you showing up in the areas of sleep, stress and self-care. Do you find yourself rushing around and eating on the fly? Do you feel like there is never enough time? Are you getting enough rest and solid sleep? For each of these, write out what an upgrade would look like.
  3. Assess your joy: Simply put, are you happy? Do you feel enthused and excited by life or it is something to get through? Do you plan fun events, outings or get-togethers. Instead of a bucket list, think of this as your actual day-to-day and week-to-week life.

When I took a good, hard look at my life, I dove in and created the life I wanted.

In less than a year, I created an on-line personal brand, generated a million digital impressions on LinkedIn and was making great money in my now global coaching company, helping others do what I had done.

I left the corporate life and started creating my new life at 55. I am the evidence that many need to see that it can happen and that you are worth it. Being intentional and deliberate in your desire to recreate your life at any age, but specifically after 50, is a journey.

You now have the wisdom to know that you have survived life and are capable of so much more than you probably ever realized you could handle. 

Now we get to put an emphasis on what’s new, fresh and next. Just by asking and answering these questions, you will discover where you’re at and what is calling for your attention.

We know no one is coming to make our lives great and no one else is better equipped for this job. That doesn’t mean we don’t love and need people.

Who we attract , the opportunities that come our way and how we move through the world is so much richer when we do the internal work. 

It’s easy to get swept up in life.

Many of us have been busy, raising a family or working at a career.

Now is the time to take time for you, and plenty of it.

Loving and appreciating who you are and who you’ve become is essential in fueling your next steps.

I am rooting for you all the way!

xx Ilyse

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