June 1, 2023

What we can Learn from the Children who Already Embody the Wisdom of Rumi.


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*Author’s Note: the intention of this article is deeper than a grandmother bragging about her grandchildren. During my long-awaited visit with Isabella and Sophia a few weeks ago, there were astonishing conversations that felt as if they were surrounded by the energy field and wisdom of Rumi.


One minute, my grandchildren were simply doing what children do so well.

They were playful, energetic, imaginative, creative, performing ballet programs for large audiences, celebrating a special birthday party, pushing parental boundaries, heart-centered, kind, singing, dancing, and fun.

Other times, there would be that special moment when a pearl of wisdom popped out unexpectedly and it stopped me in my tracks. Shocked, I was awed that words so brilliant, profound, and deep could flow out of the mouths of such young children.

It would happen out of the blue. In the kitchen, car, living room, on a walk, and while tucking them into bed.

Here’s a gem that came out of six-year-old Isabella as we sat in the kitchen eating breakfast together. Isabella is filled with sunshine, love, purity, and abundant wisdom. On most days, and in most moments, her face lights up with brightness and goodness and she is a healing tonic to everyone who knows her.

As I sat at the table chatting with her, she did something unusual. She frowned.

Oh, Grelody.” (“Grelody” is her favorite name for me. It’s a combination of Grandma and Melody). “How long will you be here? I feel so sad right now. How much time do we have left together?”

And then she got up from her chair, looked me straight in the eyes, and said:

 “If we are quiet, we can feel our moments better.”

 I couldn’t believe the words that had just come out of her pure heart of wisdom and light, and because of its depth, it reminded me of a quote by Rumi.

“Sit. Be still and listen.”

If I saw both quotes with no name attributed to them, would I be able to discern who wrote it?

How can someone so young perceive the higher truths in how to live our one life?

>> She already knows that if we unclutter our busy mind and stop to breathe, we will “feel our moments better.”

>> She already knows the secret to gaining a sense of timelessness and expansion.

>> She already knows the importance of taking time to stop the world, close our eyes, open our hearts, and to simply be.

>> She already knows how to be fully present. Here. Now. This moment.

>> She already knows the positive power in putting away all distractions and offering our undivided focus and presence to those we care about.

>> She already knows the gift we receive from inner spaciousness.

>> She already knows the gift and peace of silence.

She already knows. Amazing grace. Thank you little one with an old soul.

One more Isabella-Rumi wisdom: “Everybody has a present every day. Love.”

 Yes, amazing one. Yes. It is a present to be in the present and to offer unconditional love. Love for yourself and love for others. Love is the only power. If we can learn how to freely give and receive love, we will have found the secret to inner happiness.

And then there is my precious nine-year-old grandchild, Sophia. Deep, creative, imaginative, insightful, perceptive, and wise beyond her years. She is also generous, mindful, and caring.

One day, we were talking about an argument I had overheard between two strangers, and she came up with an idea she coined, “kindness arguments.” I asked her to tell me more about her concept, and she said:

Okay. Two people are driving on the highway. One person wants to cut in front of the other car and the other person doesn’t want that to happen. One of them changes their mind and signals with their hand, “Okay, you go first.” The other person signals with their hand, “No, you go first. Finally, one person agrees to go first and waves a friendly “thank you” to the other driver. They had a “kindness argument, Grelody.”

 “What if my sister wants to play with my toy and I want to play with it too? I might say, “No, I want it.” She might say louder, “No, I want it.” I might say even louder, “No, I want it.” Then, I stop, think, change my heart, and let her use it. That’s a kindness argument, Grelody.”

When things happen like that, it brings good to the world.

(For more kindness argument examples, please refer to my book, Peace Dreamer: A Journey of Hope in Bad Times and Good and the chapter, “Shifting the Lens of Life”)

>> She already understood the importance of shifting our hearts from ego-centered resistance to kindness and love.

>> She already understood the importance of caring about the collective whole and not just about ourselves.

>> She already understood the importance of sharing, helping those less fortunate, letting go, and compromising.

>> She already understood how to shift our negative lens into a positive one.

 Bless you sweet child with the soul of Rumi. Bless you.

In the 1960s, Art Linkletter hosted a television program called, “Kids Say the Darndest Things,” and as audiences watched, they were amazed at the gems of wisdom that came out of their mouths. Children embody insights in which their intuition is high and they witness what they see, hear, and sense with keen observation and consciousness-raising perception.

They don’t try to be the highest version of themselves. Until their experiences in life mess them up, they are the highest version of themselves.

If you find yourself floundering in the maze, responsibility, and seriousness of our adult world, stop and witness young children for a while. Breathe in their openness, flexibility, innocence, purity of heart, and freedom from judgment, prejudice, and bias.

Get in touch with your pure inner child. We are all born innocent, loving, and open. Despite inner wounds and the need for healing, do everything you can to call these qualities back to you.

Find the young Rumis in your life and learn from them. Sit down on the ground and have a real chat. Listen to what they say. They will guide you toward your Rumi wisdom and lead you toward the highest version of yourself.

 I leave you with one more gem. You decide who said it. Was it Rumi or was it one of my grandchildren?

“Let your heart love.”


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Cheryl Melody Baskin  |  Contribution: 81,815

author: Cheryl Melody Baskin

Image: madebyralu/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson