January 15, 2024

Eckhart Tolle on How to Feel Gratitude for the Present Moment.


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Learning to come to the present moment is a practice.

It’s bringing our attention to where we are right now, here in this moment.

It’s feeling our breath or noticing where we are or what’s around us. It’s noticing what we can feel or see or hear. It’s being aware of our experience, some aspect of our experience right now.

Maybe we see the flickering flame of a candle, or feel the cold, winter air on our skin, or hear a fan or the sound of people talking around us.

Maybe we’re noticing how we feel in our body or how our feet feel on the floor or the chair or whatever they’re resting on.

Maybe we smell the scent of laundry detergent or shampoo or food cooking on the stove.

We can bring our attention, our awareness, to the present.

Our minds may become distracted, our thoughts may wander and then we’ll eventually notice that they’ve wandered and we can bring ourselves back to the present again.

This can be a practice we do throughout each day, bringing ourselves back to the present, over and over again.

This video made me smile and a few parts made me giggle.

Eckhart Tolle on How to Feel Gratitude for the Present Moment:


Here are a few of my favorite lines from this video:

“And you begin to realize that your entire life consists mainly of little things.”

“Appreciate the journey and every step of the journey.”

“Every moment is significant.”



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author: Lisa Erickson

Image: miraalou/instagram