January 3, 2024

Lupita Nyong’o shares 10 Books to Mend a Broken Heart.

I couldn’t begin to calculate how much time I spent in years past nursing a broken heart, especially during the holidays or the start of a new year.

It happened so often that it eventually became a bit of a ritual. But that didn’t mean it was easy.

And one thing that has always helped me heal is words—both mine and others’.

While grief and suffering made more than a few appearances in my life over the past 12 months, I am grateful that devastating heartbreak took a vacation. That I’ve been able to walk into a new year feeling whole and hopeful.

Last night, I came across an Instagram post from actress Lupita Nyong’o—who went through a breakup just a few months ago—where she shared a list entitled: “10 Books Gifted to Me to Help Heal from Heartbreak.” And instantly, I was transported back to all those times when my heart was aching and the only thing that could soothe me was the wise words of those who had been there before and come out the other side.

If you’re struggling to mend a broken heart, may these be of benefit:


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A few more suggestions from Elephant readers, and some of my personal favorites:

The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion

The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship by Don Miguel Ruiz

The Sun and her Flowers by Rupi Kaur

Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow by Elizabeth Lesser

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Five Men who Broke my Heart by Susan Shapiro

Love Is a Mix Tape: Life and Loss, One Song at a Time by Rob Sheffield

The Opposite of Loneliness by Marina Keegan

What books have helped you mend a broken heart? Share in the comments!


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