February 14, 2024

Jon Stewart is back! Here’s his first monologue in years. {plus, a bonus}

He didn’t even seem nervous! His first monologue was

[Remember: we’re all allowed to intelligently, respectfully disagree with one another! That’s okay!]

dangerously close to pushing false equivalency, and strangely for someone who was in the thick of Bush v Gore and Bush v Kerry, he doesn’t seem to have learned the great evils of “not gonna vote for the lesser of two evils” logic, but he’s sharp, funny, his interview brings a level of intelligence back to millions of US just when we need it both, and gosh I’m grateful.

A few comments: “It’s like seeing an old friend for the first time in years and he’s still got the same awesome energy and sense of humor. I’m so glad Jon Stewart is here to help us through what may be the literal end of America.”

““You need to worry about Everyday before it and every day after!” Exactly! Thank you Jon Stewart!”

“Amazing. Apple+ wouldn’t let him talk about China or AI. He quits. Comes back to The Daily Show. First words out of his mouth? “We’re gonna talk about China. We’re gonna talk about AI.”. A giant hole in the center of American satire has just been filled once again. Thank you, Jon. Thank you for filling our hole.”

“I started crying the second I saw him scribbling on the blue paper. Welcome back, Jon!!!”

“We’re not in old political times, where “Indecision 2024″ can be funny. One side engaged in insurrection. The only decision is if you want American democracy.”

“Yeah it kind of rubbed me the wrong way Jon was acting as if Biden being old and bit forgetful is the exact same as Trump inciting an insurrection, claiming he is immune from any and all prosecution as president, outright saying he hopes the economy will crash to make Biden look bad, wants to lock up millions of illegal immigrants in detention camps before deporting them, literally quoting Hitler ffs, just a few days ago was advocating for Russia (Putin) to do whatever they want to our Nato allies that don’t spend as much money as the U.S. does, etc. Like to me there seems to be one logical choice.”

“Stewart was clearly not putting them on an equal pedestal. I actually think he did a fantastic job at making fun of Biden while refraining from the “both sides are the same” trap. If he hadn’t poked so much fun at Biden, this would have failed miserably.

Stewart returning and immediately launching into an anti-Trump polemic would be the most unfunny liberal late-night shit I could think of, and it would ruin the legitimacy of the show right out of the gate.

Great balancing act to kick off his new run, imo.”


Bonus: for those who think Biden is too old, watch this (then read all the amazed comments that Biden has it together, and is like a kindly old grandpa but not dementiaed). Stop just watched tightly edited bytes, and remember Biden overcame stuttering but that doesn’t mean, ever, that he hasn’t been prone to gaffes. Gaffes do not equal dementia. It’s like criticizing McCain, back in the day, for not being able to raise his arms. Learn about their disability, first, and you might actually admire them for overcoming so much.

There’s seven in total, here’s four:


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