March 21, 2024

Hate is Weak.

Hate gives empty people a feeling like meaning. But it doesn’t create beloved community, it’s internally toxic, and externally harmful. What someone is doing for themselves is none of our business unless it harms others. The weird obsession with other folks’ bodies says more about those bandwagoning on hate that those hated upon. ⁠

Also, while we’re at it: shame on Lamar for hosting such hate.⁠

“Keep it coming Idaho and watch your brain trust of doctors, skilled professionals and the educated flee your state. Your healthcare providers are fleeing, your teachers are leaving. Pretty soon you’re just gonna have idiots and educated wolves feeding off of them. We’ll leave you to your thoughts and prayers infrastructure.”⁠

“Sadly, I think many Idahoans would be positively thrilled if educated folks fled the state.”⁠

“Aren’t they still sitting at 50th for state public education funding? I guess change really does come from within!” ⁠

It’s actually ranked 51st. Can’t make it up. Look it up.⁠

“How much does this effect their lives that they feel the need to put up billboards. Like, how many transgender people are they coming across every day and how many of those people are even interacting with them?⁠

It’s just bigotry for the sake of bigotry. Hate for the sake of hate. Picking on marginalized groups so that they can feel superior over someone, because lord knows they don’t have many other avenues to get that dopamine hit.”I just want to exist in peace. I just want to walk outside without being threatened. I just want to be happy. Is that really so much to ask for?” ~ a few comments⁠

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