April 5, 2024

Anxiety, Depression & the Healing Power of a Peppermint Patty.


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Besides organic food, meditation, nature walks, yoga, rainbows, butterflies, sunsets, and journal writing, I am making a case for a different kind of healing tool.

In our life (my inner child and me), it’s a peppermint patty.

Whenever I’m feeling anxious or depressed, my inner child and I dive into the big box of peppermint patties together, grab the first one that topples out, and as we take small bites of this delicious wonder, a miracle appears from inside-out.

Life feels better, I feel better, and my inner child is jumping for joy.

Those initial bites remind me that as bad as life can get, it can also shift to sweetness in a New York minute.

This little round chocolate wonder makes me burst into the well-known song that says, “Everything’s Gonna Be Alright,” by Kenny Chesney and David Lee Murphy.

If you find yourself veering off a healthy path and thinking, “I need a drink of wine and I need it right now,” go ahead—as long as it’s in moderation—but before you reach for it, do one thing for me.

Ask yourself, “What does my inner child need right now to feel better?”

Whatever answer you get will bring you back to a place of peace, sweet surrender, gratefulness, comfort, inner child healing, and self-love.

Magically, life will immediately feel better amid the problems, anxieties, worries, blues, and “what if” stories swirling around in your head.

In this breath, it’s a peppermint patty kind of moment.

Besides a peppermint patty (or your favorite sweet tooth pleasure), there are other ways to create more moments of perfect peace, too:

>> Walk over to a colorful flower and let its beauty fill your soul.

>> Close your eyes and listen to the call of each beautiful bird.

>> Breathe in a stirring piece of music.

>> Involve yourself in an activity that stabilizes your weary soul.

>> Open your heart to someone in need who could use your gentle smile, soft conversation, and empathic soul.

>> Keep moving forward. You’re living through a test of fortitude and you’re passing the test with flying colors.

>> Believe in the magic of new moments. Just by imagining a better life, you’re already packed and on your way toward living it.

 (These bulleted ideas are excerpted from the book, Heart-Dreamer: Stepping into Life, Love, Creativity and Dreams–No Matter What by Cheryl Melody Baskin)

In the spaces between each inhale and exhale of unbearable moments, distract yourself with something like a peppermint patty to remind you how good and sweet you are and how good and sweet life can be.

Your inner child will thank you for it.


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Cheryl Melody Baskin  |  Contribution: 80,495

author: Cheryl Melody Baskin

Image: julika.illustration/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson